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FREE standard shipping within the contiguous U.S. Joni Purk is also the Curator of
SOLD - 10 x 10 inch original oil in palette knife on museum-wrapped canvas. "The mist that rises from the water is a very peaceful time as I stop and watch the sun break through the clouds."
Painted sides, no need for framing.
20 x 16 in. original oil in palette knife on panel, framed. "The strength of the sunflower steered me in the direction of palette knife for this floral piece."
12 x 16 inch original palette knife in oil on stretched canvas. The strong movement of water dictated this work to be created in knife.
Framed - for protection our gift to you.
12 x 12 in. original palette knife in oil on canvas. "I wanted the viewer to fill in the negative space with their eyes."
30 x 24 in. original palette knife in oil on canvas. "There has only been two places in my lifetime that its beauty has brought me to tears. Lenong is one of those places."
30 x 24 in. original palette knife in oil. Visiting Southern Africa I was blessed with the opportunity witness the falls along the walkway and from helicopter. Her force was breathtaking.
Framed - for protection our gift to you. .
SOLD - 11 x 14 in. original palette knife in oil. Plein air on the bridge directly over this fall scene.
Framed - for protection our gift to you. 14 x 17 in. overall
SOLD_ 16 x 12 in. original palette knife in oil on canvas. Take time to enjoy the beauty of a country sunrise.
12 x 12 x 2 in. original palette knife in oil. Only after finishing the piece did the artist realize the impasto expression of flora emerge.
Gallery-wrapped painted sides, unframed.
12 x 16 in. original palette knife in oil - stretched canvas. The egret continues to be the sentinel at the coastline.
SOLD 8 x8 in. original palette knife on museum-wrapped canvas - painted sides.
16 x 12 in. original palette knife in oil.
"I enjoy choosing subject matter that lends itself to knife. I experimented and chose a figure to create limited strokes. The rough terrain helped make the decision."
10 x 10 in. original palette knife in oil and cold wax on board.
The sights, smells and sounds of spring captured on canvas.
Floater framed - for protection our gift to you.
11 x 14 in. original palette knife in oil on canvas. Mountains or Sea? The viewer's imagination will determine the location.
20 x 24 in. original palette knife/and some brush in oil on canvas
"My artwork is often described as calm and peaceful. Who wouldn't want to be a piece of this paradise!"
8 x 10 in. original palette knife in oil
The coast. A favorite escape for the artist. She is inspired by everything and anything it has to offer.
20 x 14 in. original palette knife in oil Using the 'drip method' to create the background led to the use of loose knife strokes to create the roses.